sábado, 26 de setembro de 2009

Monza, Italy

Let´s start with the Italian Grand Prix. Monza is the fastest track of Formula 1 championship, I reached around 346 km/h here. It´s a amzaing track. A really ruge challenge setup the car here. The key features here are:
Aerodinamics: Very low downforce to reach the maximum speed. Wings at almost zero.
Brakes:  15% of the lap braking. Balance the brakes to the front. 63(F) :37(R). Adjust engine brake map and coast to stable under hard braking.
Gearbox: adjust the gear ratios to maximum speed, over 350 km/h. The first gears can be shorter to give more acceleration.
Suspension: Soft suspension to be able to hit the kerb in the two first chincanes.

More information about car setup to Monza can be found here:

First post

Hi everyone!

In the first post I want to tell you how the blog will work. The theme of the blog is F1 simulation games and mods. Actually, I play Rfactor (http://www.rfactor.net/) with CTDP F1 2006 (http://www.ctdpworld.org/) mod, because this mod is the most realisitc ever made. There are many mods based on 2009 F1 season on the web, but in my opinion they are unrealistic and not well made.
So, here I want to share my experiences with Formula One simulators, producing videos and the showing the key features to be well successfull on lap with a Formula 1 car. Sometimes I will try to bring to you some technical data from Formula 1. The updates of the blog will follow the actual 2009 Formula 1 season calendar, starting by the Italian Grand Prix.
You are free to ask me about any doubt.

I hope you enjoy the blog.